In a recent study of a random sample of 25 local business websites we found several serious SEO (search engine optimisation) errors leading to the business missing out on web traffic, enquiries and orders. What frustrated us was how easily some of these SEO errors could be solved.

SEO errors in local business websites
These include the following:
1. Out of date or infrequently updated home page and other pages.
2. Poor coding – too much code and script cluttering the page and obscuring content for search engines.
3. Slow load times – images weren’t optimised so the website is slow to load.
4. No evidence of website being verified or XML sitemap submitted to the main search engines.
5. No inclusion of keywords in the Title tags of pages.
6. Website copy lacking keywords that describe the business in terms that a potential customer might use.
7. No evidence of backwards links from other websites.
8. No attempt at making pages easily shared on social media or email.
While your website may look professional, getting just some of these element right will make your website rise up the search engine results page, helping you gain new clients and more business.
Please talk to your web designer or contact us to arrange a free no obligation, SEO health check where we give you feedback on your website and suggest some positive actions – 01788 844014 or